Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner is a small open source Java application which performs host discovery ("ping scan") and port scans. The old 2.x release was Windows-only, but the new 3.X series runs on Linux, Mac, or Windows as long as Java is installed. Version 3.X omits the vampire zebra logo. As with all connect()-based scanners, performance on Windows XP SP2 and newer be poor due to limitations added to tcpip.sys. The FAQ provides details and workarounds. A short review was posted to nmap-dev in 2008. For downloads and more information, visit the Angry IP Scanner homepage.

#66, 15
Latest release
  • 3.0-beta4
  • March 23, 2009 (15 years, 11 months ago)
★★½ (3)
33% ★★★★
0% ★★★
0% ★★




does not scan ports at all, damn it, even though it says it will scan the ports

no rating Chris Andrews

Angry IP scanner shows you the ip addresses on the network. It is often the first tool I use when I visit a new location and want to see the network. A scan will help you place a new machine on a network without duplicating an ip address. It will also help you troubleshoot or get info to locate a machine.

★★ andre

Anggry Ip Scanner if very useful tool to scan port, thanks for the sharing

★★★★★ L

Angry IP scanner is an old school tool that has held a place in my tool-box for a very long time. It's slim, and does exactly what it says it does. It's most certainly on on a level with Metasploit, but you don't always need to pen test a network to get the job done.

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