
The authors of TrueCrypt abandoned the project in May 2014. While many still use the software, there are several forks and alternatives that are striving to take its lofty place.
TrueCrypt is an excellent open source disk encryption system for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. Users can encrypt entire filesystems, which are then on-the-fly encrypted/decrypted as needed without user intervention beyond initially entering their passphrase. A clever hidden volume feature allows you to hide a second layer of particularly sensitive content with plausible deniability about whether it even exists. Then if you are forced to give up your passphrase, you give them the first-level secret. That only allows them access to the innocuous material you have there, without proving that a second level key even exists. For downloads and more information, visit the TrueCrypt homepage.

#31, 66
Latest release
  • 7.2
  • May 28, 2014 (10 years, 10 months ago)
★★★★½ (2)
50% ★★★★
50% ★★★
0% ★★



no rating Hans Hansen

Please download True Crypt from Steve Gibson's site to be sure of reliability.

no rating Hans Hansen newer comment by this user ↑

TrueCrypt 7.1a is still safe and reliable and can still be installed on OS X (El Capitan) with a modification within distribution.dist file

- Right-click the TrueCrypt 7.1a install file on the desktop, and select Show Package Contents.

- Open the Contents folder, then right-click the distribution.dist file and select Open With > Other. Then select TextEdit from the list of apps. - Delete the lines AFTER "function pm_install_check() {" and before "return true;" function pm_install_check() {

- if(!(system.version.ProductVersion >= '10.4.0')) { - my.result.title = 'Error'; - my.result.message = 'TrueCrypt requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later.'; - my.result.type = 'Fatal'; - return false; - } return true;

- }
 -Save and quit TextEdit.

no rating Michael Knutson

TrueCrypt should be removed from this list, as it's no longer supported or recommended. Several alternatives are available.

★★★★★ Dougal

installed on laptop with multiple OS's working with highly regulated industry ... drive performance excelent in windows and linux, data and drive integrity secure and only recoverable with cd

★★★★ Jorge

delivers a good and solid solution for file and disk encryption.

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