SecTools.Org: Top 125 Network Security Tools
For more than a decade, the Nmap Project has been cataloguing the network security community's favorite tools. In 2011 this site became much more dynamic, offering ratings, reviews, searching, sorting, and a new tool suggestion form. This site allows open source and commercial tools on any platform, except those tools that we maintain (such as the Nmap Security Scanner, Ncat network connector, and Nping packet manipulator).
We're very impressed by the collective smarts of the security community and we highly recommend reading the whole list and investigating any tools you are unfamiliar with. Click any tool name for more details on that particular application, including the chance to read (and write) reviews. Many site elements are explained by tool tips if you hover your mouse over them. Enjoy!
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Acunetix is a web vulnerability scanner that automatically checks web applications for vulnerabilities such as SQL Injections, cross site scripting, arbitrary file creation/deletion, and weak password strength on authentication pages. It boasts a comfortable GUI, an ability to create professional security audit and compliance reports, and tools for advanced manual webapp testing. Read 8 reviews.
Latest release: version 11 on Nov. 16, 2016 (8 years, 4 months ago).
QualysGuard is a popular SaaS (software as a service) vulnerability management offering. It's web-based UI offers network discovery and mapping, asset prioritization, vulnerability assessment reporting and remediation tracking according to business risk. Internal scans are handled by Qualys appliances which communicate back to the cloud-based system. Read 5 reviews.
Latest release: version 6.18 on Feb. 25, 2011 (14 years, 1 month ago).
VMware virtualization software lets you run one operating system within another. This is quite useful for security researchers who commonly need to test code, exploits, etc on multiple platforms. It only runs on Windows and Linux as the host OS, but pretty much any x86 or x86_64 OS will run inside the virtualized environment. It is also useful for setting up sandboxes. You can browse from within a VMware window so the even if you are infected with malware, it cannot reach your host OS. And recovering the guest OS is as simple as loading a "snapshot" from prior to the infection. VMware player (executes, but can't create OS images) and VMWare Server (partitions a physical server machine into multiple virtual machines) were recently released for free. An open-source alternative is VirtualBox. Xen is a Linux-specific virtualization system. Read 1 review.
Latest release: version 12.0.0 on Aug. 24, 2015 (9 years, 7 months ago).
AppScan provides security testing throughout the application development lifecycle, easing unit testing and security assurance early in the development phase. Appscan scans for many common vulnerabilities, such as cross site scripting, HTTP response splitting, parameter tampering, hidden field manipulation, backdoors/debug options, buffer overflows and more. AppScan was merged into IBM's Rational division after IBM purchased its original developer (Watchfire) in 2007. Read 2 reviews.
Latest release: version 8.5 on Nov. 15, 2011 (13 years, 4 months ago).
Canvas is a commercial vulnerability exploitation tool from Dave Aitel's ImmunitySec. It includes more than 370 exploits and is less expensive than Core Impact or the commercial versions of Metasploit. It comes with full source code, and occasionally even includes zero-day exploits. Read 1 review.
Latest release: version 6.73 on Oct. 26, 2011 (13 years, 5 months ago).
Like Nessus, Retina's function is to scan all the hosts on a network and report on any vulnerabilities found. It was written by eEye, who are well known for their security research. Read 2 reviews.
L0phtCrack attempts to crack Windows passwords from hashes which it can obtain (given proper access) from stand-alone Windows workstations, networked servers, primary domain controllers, or Active Directory. In some cases it can sniff the hashes off the wire. It also has numerous methods of generating password guesses (dictionary, brute force, etc). LC5 was discontinued by Symantec in 2006, then re-acquired by the original L0pht guys and reborn as LC6 in 2009. For free alternatives, consider ophcrack, Cain and Abel, or John the Ripper. Read 1 review.
Latest release: version 6.0.11 on Jan. 9, 2011 (14 years, 2 months ago).
SolarWinds has created and sells dozens of special-purpose tools targeted at systems administrators. Security-related tools include many network discovery scanners, an SNMP brute-force cracker, router password decryption, a TCP connection reset program, one of the fastest and easiest router config download/upload applications available and more. Read 2 reviews.
(6) ★★★★½ Splunk (#65, new!)
Splunk is a tool to search, report, monitor and analyze real-time streaming and historical IT data. It collects logs from a variety of sources and makes them searchable in a unified interface. Read 6 reviews.
Latest release: version 4.1.7 on Feb. 14, 2011 (14 years, 1 month ago).
(2) ★★★½ NetWitness NextGen (#67, new!)
NetWitness NextGen is a network security monitor. The heart of the monitor is the Decoder subsystem that records network traffic for analysis. The Investigator is a protocol analyzer meant to be run on captured traffic. Read 2 reviews.
Latest release: version on March 17, 2010 (15 years ago).
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- Antimalware (3)
- Application-specific scanners (3)
- Web browser–related (4)
- Encryption tools (8)
- Debuggers (5)
- Firewalls (2)
- Forensics (4)
- Fuzzers (4)
- General-purpose tools (8)
- Intrusion detection systems (6)
- Packet crafting tools (6)
- Password auditing (12)
- Port scanners (4)
- Rootkit detectors (5)
- Security-oriented operating systems (5)
- Packet sniffers (14)
- Vulnerability exploitation tools (11)
- Traffic monitoring tools (10)
- Vulnerability scanners (11)
- Web proxies (4)
- Web vulnerability scanners (20)
- Wireless tools (5)